La morte viola
by Gustav Meyrink
[soon to be cover]
I wasn't sure which language to use for the title, so I used all of them! The Italian one is the title of the whole collection... collection the doesn't exists in the other parts of the world. But the story of the same name obviously exsists and it's originally German. Then I put also the English translation, because it was helpful.
That said! Be prepared for gore and gothic and alchemy and the strangest things you could dream of.
Der heisse Soldat (The burning soldier) is short and simple, it's like starting to dip in the cold water of the sea at the ankle. It's still acceptable. It's just the beginning. You read it, you laugh. It's strange, but it's a funny strange.
Der violette Tod (The purple death) is the second story but is already set in creepyland. When you finish to read the story, there's something that stays with you, a certain uneasiness that takes you everytime you read the word that cannot be spoken aloud.
Der Schrecken (Terror) is one of the more anxiogenic things I've ever read, because it's just so real - we are all scared of death, aren't we? Meyrin knows this and knows how to use this.
Das ganze Sein ist flammend Leid (The whole existence is burning pain) hurts. It's... sad, sorrowful. It doesn't make you cry, not really, but it does hold squeeze your heart.
Petroleum, petroleum is not really one of my favourite stories... but it has an interesting main character that I'd love to get to know better.
Die Koenigin unter den Breghen (The Queen under the Bregens) is a trip. Like, really, an acid trip of some sort, I dunno. It's not only dream-like, it's a dream. Full stop. It's just an idea of something, there's nothing really written in it. It's like a paint, but in writing form. I like it very much.
Die schwarze Kugel (The black Sphere) is pure nonsense and still it really fascinates me in the way it's written and in what exactly represents. I don't like nonsense very much, but this, I love.
Das Praeparat (The Compound) is the story that has always had a place in my heart, since the first time I read this collection (many years ago). I'd say it's gore, even though gore it's not at all the word I'd like to use... but I don't know another words which could suit better the story. It's gothic - it's probably one of the stories that better represents the gothic genre. And I love it. So. Much.
And I think this is my ending point. I'm waiting for 7.00 a.m. to see the new mini challenge but then... sleep. I really really really need sleep.
Ssele P.
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